Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Max Ernst

To be honest I don't like these that much. It looks like someone turned up the contrast really high on a picture of the first one and now it is too harsh. The second one is pretty but the colors make it look like it is in a distant dream where the sky is hazy and yellow, and half of it looks like day and the other half looks like night. The last one I do like. It is clean and green and has depth.




Carl Ostenberg.

I would 100% put this in my house. I have no reason for it. I don't even like fried eggs that much.


This is oddly comforting. I think it reminds me of a cartoon so that is why? I cannot say for sure.


John Singer Sargent


For some reason, despite this having the same skritchy scratchy lines this is still more inviting.

(source) (on second thought this might not be by him but I still really like it so I'm keeping it just keep this noted in case you also think this is someone else)


Alberto Giacometti

These are cold again. she is filled with curves and chaos and yet still I would not want to join her.



I especially dislike this one. The lines are sharp and scratchy and dark and too chaotic. The eyes look like fly's eyes. They seem stuck there and frozen.

Philip Pearlstein

I like these because they are soft.  The back and forth line movement in the last two make it much less stark. The first one using sepia tones seems warm but also just the gentle changes in shadows and in body shapes is pleasing to look at.




Elizabeth Peyton




Toba Khedoori




Eric Wert

When the page finally loaded with his art I gasped and said "oh, I DO like these!" out loud to nobody because I was alone. Which really says something about how much I like them. They are boisterous and loud but at the same time real. I like that he does not neglect the backgrounds. They are gorgeous patterns and I love their muted shades that contrast so much with the choice of object in the foreground.


This is my favorite one I have looked at out of all of them including portraits which I usually love the most. I like the background and I like the bright red of the pomegranate I love that it looks so clear and clean and like they were picked at the peak of ripeness and each little jewel is ready to eat. I love how shiny everything is. The crystal bowl adds so much to it. I don't know this is very inviting to me, I would happily live in this house with its antique wall paper and crystal serving dishes and large amounts of expensive fruit. I hope he ate it after.
