Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sascha Braunig

I really like these because they incorporate some realism and some abstraction. I like that the shapes are recognizable as people but like this yellow one here, they incorporate color and some other aspect, in this case, stripes, in order to make it less natural. I think the use of shadow is very important and how the curve and shadow of the lines in the foreground set it apart from the lines in the background, despite being roughly the same color. It is a simple contrast but I think it is very important.

I think the second piece is supposed to be human. It looks like it has a face, and is wearing a suit. But mostly what I get from it is the blue light and the tan background. The tan reminds me of when the sun is almost completely set and someone has the curtains closed because they do not want the light, and then it gradually gets darker until they appear this dark brown color, and the person in the room is no longer alive enough to make an effort to turn on a light. It looks like when someone goes home from work and they just are exhausted and the blue light is from the reflection of a computer screen or a television.

This last one looks like the underside of a mushroom has become a human face. I don't know if that is supposed to be a symbolism that I understand and I am missing or if it just is meant to exist. Either way, the use of light in this one also seems like there is a strange, singular light source and its night time and the person in the room can't be bothered to shut it off because they are so exhausted. I may be biased due to being tired all the time and being permanently glowed on by a computer screen.




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